News — women's health

Food vs Supplements

Food vs Supplements

We are a supplement company, so we have a vested interest in customers taking supplements. (Now that disclaimers out of the way). WHOLEFOOD IS PREFERRED! Even by us. 

Supplements, by definition, are to "supplement" a naturally occurring healthy diet. 

Ask anyone, the hardest thing about a fitness based life is the eating. Professionals in the physique realm have to adhere to a regimen of cutting body fat percentage for a competition. They cannot accomplish this without a restricted diet. Strongman competitors eat massive amounts of food in a day, and the World's Strongest Man has been quoted as saying, "the hardest...

For Her?

For Her?


How many of you make the resolution every year to be more fit? How many have had the post-baby body issues and want to get your body back? How many of you are not happy with what you see in the mirror? TOO MANY!

Unfortunately the fitness industry knows this and preys on your insecurities. 

First, you decide to change. Then you have to filter through the plethora of options to meet your goals (gym membership, personal trainers, group classes, videos, start running, etc). 

Then, you will be focusing on nutrition and eating "right". This is where i see...